Panel Discussion on chances and challenges of Artificial Intelligence

16.09.2021 - 16:00 bis 17:30

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a main driving force for innovation in the Danube region (and elsewhere), not only in the digital domain but also in diverse areas of application such as medicine, public administration, law, music or fine arts. Unlike popular belief, AI is not the Terminator stomping around but provides methods of analysis that seamlessly integrate into Business Analytics or other areas of application.

The international project “Danube Region acute”, a cooperation between univiersities and research centres in Hungary, Moldova, Austria and Baden-Württemberg, led by the Europa Zentrum Baden-Württemberg and financially supported by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung, therefore focused on this topic and developed a series of online lectures and webinars for students and other interested people, in order to tackle different aspects of risks and potentials of AI in and for the Danube Region and beyond.

A panel discussion between experts will be the closing-up of this project. It will be integrated into the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Conference 2021, which will be held in Budapest. A live stream can be followed on Youtube:

Participants as panelists (as planned):

  • Prof. Dr. Hiroko Kudo, Chuo University Tokyo
    Prof. Dr. Robert Müller-Török, University of Public Administration and Finance Ludwigsburg
    Prof. Dr. András Nemeslaki, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
    Prof. Dr. Alexander Prosser, WU Vienna.

  • Responsible at Europa Zentrum Baden-Württemberg: Florian Setzen.

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